Purpose-built and responsive, LINK is a white-label web application that allows insurance carriers to increase their transparency during claim processing. By leveraging Symbility Claims Connect, in mere minutes, LINK can reflect your own branding and be customized to look like an in-house web application that works on any smartphone, tablet, or PC.
- 12OctClaim created
- 13OctContractor assigned
- 14OctAn appointment for “Roofing Repairs” has been arranged for October 17th
- 18OctThe “Roofing Repairs” part of your claim was completed
Own Your Claim
By providing policyholders access to a detailed repair calendar, notes, photos and other documentation, they become active participants in their own claim process. LINK can even push important events and milestones directly to the insured through instant notifications so they are never left in the dark.

Inform & Get Informed
LINK provides a safe, secure, and efficient way to get the information you need from policyholders. Through the use of seamless photo and document uploads, as well as notes, and notifications your staff is never more than a click away from getting the valuable information they need from the insured.

Not only can policyholders track the information and view documentation associated with the claim through LINK, they can also communicate directly with the various participants involved, from insurance carriers to adjusters and even contractors - online quickly and easily.